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ANVOL™ Nitrogen Stabilizer

ANVOL™ nitrogen stabilizer is designed to defend against volatilization while boosting overall efficiency. It features the dual-active ingredients NBPT and Koch patented Duromide. By combining NBPT and Duromide, you get the longest-lasting protection against ammonia volatilization over a wider range of soil conditions, giving growers the potential for improved yields and a better return on investment.

men standing around talking

Corn Yield Benefits

Across 8 site-years, urea treated with ANVOL nitrogen stabilizer resulted in a 31 bushels per acre average corn yield advantage over untreated urea and consistently resulted in higher corn yields starting at 60 lbs N/acre.


The underlying data was provided by Virginia Tech, University of Kentucky, University of Tennessee, University of Illinois and Pike Ag, LLC under Research Trial Financial Support Agreements with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC and neither these institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service.

Yield Results

Maximize Your Yield Potential

Ammonia volatilization can have a serious impact on your yield results and reduce your return on investment. In research studies, ANVOL has been proven to defend against volatilization and boost yield results compared to untreated urea.


Features & Benefits

Driven by Duromide Technology

Driven by Duromide technology, ANVOL protects your nitrogen investment by inhibiting urease, preventing ammonia volatilization and preserving nitrogen for crop uptake. It also offers a high active ingredient concentration, enabling a low application rate for more efficient coating operations.

Increased LongevityANVOL features a patented active ingredient - Duromide - designed to extend the protection of nitrogen above ground. 
Superior StabilityThe intelligent design of Duromide has proven to hold up in various environments. When compared to other urease inhibitor technologies, ANVOL is the clear winner with its ability to perform better in conditions that favor high volatilization. 
Improved PerformanceANVOL stabilizer provides improved performance across a range of soil conditions for protection growers can count on. 
Better EfficiencyANVOL results in more efficient coating operations and a dry blend as a consequence of its low treatment rates. 
growersDan DunsbergenLocation Manager, Key Cooperative
growersJustin SpethFacilities Manager, Muscatine Ag
growersJamie VeselyAgronomist, CCA, Tama Benton Cooperative

Real Customers, Real Results

Our customers have seen firsthand the benefits of ANVOL's dual active ingredients, which provides a longer duration of protection from nitrogen loss through volatilization. To top it all off, ANVOL is low odor and reduces total labor demands with more efficient handling and lower treatment rates. Experience the ANVOL advantage today.


The Difference is Duromide

With ANVOL, growers benefit from a rapid inhibition response (kick-start effect of NBPT) and extended protection as a result of active ingredient Duromide. ANVOL increases the window of inhibition by up to 27% compared to NBPT alone.

Increased Spring Wheat YieldANVOL stabilized urea broadcasted at seeding increased yield by 5 bushels per acre and increased plant tissue concentrations compared to untreated urea.chart showing Dribble-Banded CENTURO Treated UAN Improved Corn YieldThe underlying data was provided by Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation under a Research Trial Financial Support Agreements with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Neither the universities, institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service. Improvements in yield and nutrient use efficiency may not be observed in all cases.